

论文名称:Niuchangchih (Antrodia camphorata) and its potential in treating liver diseases

出  处:J Ethnopharmacol.

作  者:Ao ZH1, Xu ZH, Lu ZM, Xu HY, Zhang XM, Dou WF.

出 版 年: 2009 Jan 21

分  类:Reviews


论文名称:Review of Pharmacological Effects of Antrodia camphorata and Its Bioactive Compounds

出  处:Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

作  者:Geethangili M1, Tzeng YM.

出 版 年:2011

分  类:Reviews


论文名称:Recent developments in mushrooms as anti-cancer therapeutics: a review

出  处:3 Biotech.

作  者:Patel S, Goyal A.

出 版 年: 2012 Mar

分  类:Reviews


论文名称:Review of biological and pharmacological activities of the endemic Taiwanese bitter medicinal mushroom, Antrodia camphorata (M. Zang et C. H. Su) Sh. H. Wu et al. (higher Basidiomycetes).

出  处:Int J Med Mushrooms.

作  者:Yue PY1, Wong YY, Chan TY, Law CK, Tsoi YK, Leung KS.

出 版 年:2012

分  类:Reviews


论文名称:Recent research and development of Antrodia cinnamomea

出  处:Pharmacol Ther.

作  者:Lu MC1, El-Shazly M, Wu TY, Du YC, Chang TT, Chen CF, Hsu YM, Lai KH, Chiu CP, Chang FR, Wu YC.

出 版 年:2013 Aug

分  类:Reviews