
Privacy Policy

We welcome your visit to “Taiwan Niu-Chih Industry Association Information Website” (hereinafter, “the Website”). In order to ensure that you may safely and easily utilize the information and services of the Website, we would like to explain the privacy protection policy of the Website to safeguard your rights. Please read the following content carefully:

·         The Scope of the Privacy Protection Policy

The content of the Privacy Protection Policy includes how the personal identification data collected during your utilization of our website will be processed. The Privacy Protection Policy does not apply to other relevant linked websites from our Website; it does not apply to the management personnel that are not directly commissioned by or involved in the Website.

·         The Collection and Utilization of Data

In order to provide the best interactive services on this Website, you may be asked to provide the relevant personal data, including:

This Website will retain the name, email address, contact information, and usage time and other such information that you have provided when you are using interactive functions such as the Customer Contact Mailbox and Visitor Survey.

During general browsing, the server will automatically record relevant actions  - including data such as the IP address you have used to connect, usage time, type of browser, browsed and clicked links - for reference for the improvement of our website. This record will only be utilized internally and will not be made public.

In order to provide accurate service, we will conduct statistical analysis on the content of the visitor surveys we have collected. The statistical data or explanatory results from the analysis will only be provided for internal research. We will publish the statistical data and explanatory results when necessary, however it will not include specific personal data.

Unless your consent has been granted or required by other laws and regulations, this Website absolutely will not disclose your personal data to a third-party, or utilize this data for means other than our own collection purposes.

·         The Protection of Data

The Website servers are all set up with relevant data security equipment and mandatory safety protection measures, including firewalls and anti-virus systems, using the strictest protection procedures to ensure the safety of the Website’s and your own personal data. Only authorized personnel will have access to your personal data, and all relevant processing agents have signed a confidentiality agreement. Anyone who has violated the confidentiality agreement will be penalized legally.

As a result of business needs, should it be necessary to appoint other relevant offices to provide services for the Website, we will also strictly demand them to adhere to confidentiality obligations and adopt necessary checking procedure to ensure that the confidentiality obligations are followed.

·         External links on the Website

The pages of this Website provide links to other websites, and therefore, when clicking links within our website, you may connect to other websites. However, the Privacy Protection Policy does not apply to the other websites. You should refer to the privacy protection policies of the linked websites.

·         The Use of Cookies

In order to provide the best service, the Website will install and access our Cookies on your computer. If you do not wish Cookies to be installed, you may change the privacy level setting on your browser to “high,” then the installation of the Cookie will be rejected. However, this may result some of the functions of the website to work irregularly.

·         Amendments to the Privacy Protection Policy

The Privacy Protection Policy of this Website may be amended as required at anytime. Amended articles will be published on the Website.

















銀行:上海商業儲蓄銀行  承德分行 (銀行代號:011)




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